Sunday, May 29, 2016

Riverside Pool Water Safety

After 3 sessions of the Riverside Pool water safety programme, all the children are enjoying this time of the week.  In NZ it is so important that we all become confident and safe around the water.   The instructors are doing an amazing job and we can't wait for the other 5 sessions.

Thank you to the adults who are walking us there and back.  Lucky us to have this great resource just down the road.

Soupa Friday in Room 9

Today was certainly "super" Friday for Room 9, with dress-up day, movie and soup for lunch!  Some of the students went all out with their costumes.  We even had a dragon join us for the day!

Congratulations Room 9 for earning the class treat.  Your team work has been great - reaching 100 scales last week.  And, you've already started earning scales ready for the next treat!

It was also good timing as some of us supported the Enviro group and bought a cup of soup for $1.   With a choice of pumpkin or vegetable, it definitely warmed us up from the inside.

                            Room 9's Enviro Agent

Monday, May 23, 2016

Rubbish, rubbish everywhere!

On Friday, our very own Enviro Agent, Finn, spent the day sorting the school's rubbish - a dirty job, but someone has to do it!!  AND it was a smelly job, too!  We got to walk through the Arts Centre to see how they had sorted it into different piles.  We could see that there were a lot of food wrappers from just two days of rubbish!

Food scraps

One idea the Enviro group came up with was to give Nelson Central School families ideas on how they can make their own snacks, which will mean we don't have wrappers that we have to throw away.

Roald's sister, Astrid, and some other Enviro Agents telling us about this rubbish

Finn then went to Grove Street Kindergarten, which is an Enviro School, to learn how they have animals to eat their food scraps, a worm farm and vegetable gardens.  We hope NCS can do some of these things in the future.  Thanks for reporting back!

Measuring fun with Sam

At the start of this term Sam has been measuring with the students in Room 9.  They have looked at length, volume and capacity.  The children are getting really good at measuring with a ruler in centimetres and millimetres.   They even measured themselves, comparing themselves to the tallest man, and the classroom itself!  This week's spelling words relate to measurement.

Measuring the height of the computer

Measuring the width of the steps

Comparing ourselves with the tallest man - we are nowhere close!

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Mums are special to Room 9 students

While Sam was teaching in Room 9 the students produced great pieces of writing that described their mums.  Come on in to the classroom to see the amazing portraits they have done and the great descriptions written of some very special people in the children's lives.

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Term 2 has started with a hiss and a roar!

A very belated welcome back to Term 2.  It is great to be back.  I had such a warm welcome from the children when I popped in today, I'm really looking forward to returning tomorrow.

I'd like to say a huge thank you to Sam for 'holding the fort' so capably while I swanned around the world.  NCS is so lucky to have her as a reliever.   I'd also like to thank Room 9's lovely parents who are always so willing to come along on trips and parent help when asked.  Our job is made easier because of you.

I cannot believe how busy the term is going to be.  With swimming, cross country, Mandarin and Enviro School activities we are going to be cramming in plenty!  My newsletter next week will give you a list of dates you might want to note for your diary, so watch out for that.