Monday, May 23, 2016

Rubbish, rubbish everywhere!

On Friday, our very own Enviro Agent, Finn, spent the day sorting the school's rubbish - a dirty job, but someone has to do it!!  AND it was a smelly job, too!  We got to walk through the Arts Centre to see how they had sorted it into different piles.  We could see that there were a lot of food wrappers from just two days of rubbish!

Food scraps

One idea the Enviro group came up with was to give Nelson Central School families ideas on how they can make their own snacks, which will mean we don't have wrappers that we have to throw away.

Roald's sister, Astrid, and some other Enviro Agents telling us about this rubbish

Finn then went to Grove Street Kindergarten, which is an Enviro School, to learn how they have animals to eat their food scraps, a worm farm and vegetable gardens.  We hope NCS can do some of these things in the future.  Thanks for reporting back!


  1. Lovely work! I hope the enviro group will find a way to help the school and our community reduce the rubbish we produce. Gerd (Roald's mor)

  2. I love seeing all you do room 9. Your art is just beautiful and I liked learning about how you measure SJ Jesse's mum

  3. Great work! We need good Enviro Agents to help keep our school (and planet of course!) clean and tidy. It looks a bit smelly. Those are good ideas Room 9.

  4. Wow, 3000 years to decompose! It's a fantastic lesson for the children (and adults) to learn and recently we weighed the contents of Ludo's uneaten lunch box and he thought of some great ways on how to re-use this food.
